
свиток-знания. Scroll smooth; scroll bright and smooth. свиток-знания; свиток-знания; свиток-знания! Indeed in the year it happened, the first свиток-знания was written, it is old. it is old. it is old it is old it is old it is old it old it old it quite prächtig old; don't forget to keep up that smooth scroll behavior.


a standard 1 scroll. Are there any diferential forms on a 1 scroll?

what will the scroll-bearer bear? The scroll of course. but what IS the scroll? This question must be asked again and again. What is the meaning of scrollery --- and for that matter what is the essence of scroll-bearing?

What can we do when the scroll is not forth-coming? These moments of scroll-blindness come to all of us at times. But just because a scroll rolls unheard, does not mean it does not rustle.

Now, let us praise the rustle.

praise the rustle